

Disdain (Chat Gpt Cheating)
It is with great disdain to find cheats,
In this competition again and again.
I find entry after entry by chat gpt,
I hold back and try to fight the pain.

Words generated in cyberspace,
And put into rhyme,
Stanza after stanza,
People say ‘this work is mine’

I do not know what the future holds,
I do not bare to think,
Soulless pages of computer generated words,
At the end of a cursors blink.

Though cheats can’t hide forever,
Chat Gpt has its own style.
The same as any other writer,
Getting caught is a matter of time.

How do we compete,
How do we compare,
People after people claim work is theirs,
Without a though or a care,

With sheer disdain I hide my pain,
My writers block attacks again,
What can I do, to compete with you?
I’ll keep being me and let you be you.

They say that truth comes out in the end,
Until then the honour of hardworking writers I’ll defend,
There’s no glory or honour of winning by cheating,
When the chips are down, it’s only yourself you are defeating.

David John
© Copywrite 2023