

Sometimes it's a hard thing for me
Sometimes it comes easily
Sometimes I find it
Sometimes it finds me
Sometimes it seems like and endless game of hide and seek

When this begins to happen
I ask God to step in
I pray for my family
That we will all be able to sleep in peace
I pray for a sense of calmness in this mess
My brain is sometimes a wreck
When I can't sleep I do my best
Not to wake the rest

Sleep for the most part is easy
If I awake to early 
It's usually because my spirit is uneasy 
Or simply because God wants to speak with me
For when I do not know what to say
Or cannot find the words to pray
Or I seem to be afraid

This is now where the Holy Spirit will intercede
To comfort and pray for me
At last I can sleep with a sense of peace and security

Sweet Dreams

(Psalm 4:8/Psalm 3:5)

© 2019 GospelCreations®Online Freestyle Poetry Divinely inspired/FSHS