

cause of someone else..you have left me alone enough...!!!
Heart you have broken,
it will also break your ❤️ heart
he will also leave you
he will also leave you
you Have broken my Heart

he will also leave you

Who will be your fault
when I am gone? away from this fake secoity of the sphere...
Who will be your
fault when I am gone?away from this fake secoity of the sphere...

You will not cry more than I have cried a lot cause of you ...
You will not cry more than I have cried a lots cause of you my love.
feelings it mixes for the first time
see fire again
This is what love
teaches slowly
when you Laughs at me
it makes me cry deep down..!!
I ll tolerate insider pain's
उस पल आप उस व्यक्ति के लिए सारा सम्मान खो देते हैं जिसे आप पसंद करते थे..
© vinod sam