

My First Plane Ride
Wow! I say as I look down, for I have never been up this high in the air before, this was my first time in a plane. You see I was traveling to New York for a family reunion. And I was traveling with my sister and our 4 cousins. Our parents were on a different aircraft called the Hawker Beechcraft Premier 1A, a private jet, one of the two that my aunt owns. I tried to hide my surprise, feeling a little embarrassed because all of my cousins had already been on planes countless times, and even though I was only 8, and my cousins were 10 and older, I still felt self-conscious. Even my older sister, who was 13, has been on planes multiple times. When the plane landed about seven hours later, I sighed relief, even though I’m looking forward to my next plane adventure.

me and my friend wrote this
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