

The Road Less Easy
In the realm of dreams, we strive,
Through hardships, we come alive.
With every step, the path is steep,
Yet in our hearts, the fire runs deep.

Obstacles rise, like mountains tall,
Challenges test, and sometimes, we fall.
But in our spirits, we find the might,
To rise again and continue the fight.

The journey's tough, no doubt it's true,
Yet in our hearts, the passion grew.
For in the struggle, we learn to soar,
And from the hardships, we find our core.

With determination as our guiding star,
We press ahead, no matter how far.
Through every setback, we still believe,
That in adversity, we truly achieve.

So let the hardships shape our way,
They make us stronger, day by day.
In the face of trials, we shall persist,
For in our dreams, we do exist.