

I have given you a choice so choose
between dying on my chest
or over my poem collections

Choose love .. or non-love
for it's cowardice not to choose
There is no middle ground
between paradise and hell

Reveal all of your papers
and any choice will satisfy me
Talk. Get emotional. Explode
But don't stand there like a nail
I can't stay forever
like a straw under rain

You are tired.. and afraid
And my journey.. is very long
Dive into the sea.. or get away [from me]
There's no sea without [sea] sickness

Love is an ultimate confrontation
[like] swimming against the tides
Hardness.. torment.. and tears
And traveling between the moons

Your cowardice kills me, O woman!
She's playing me from behind a curtain

I do not believe in love,
that does not have the print of revolutionaries
that does not hit like a tornado
that does not destroy all fences

Oh.. if only your love swallows me
rips me up from the ground.. like a tornado

So choose !