


(A state of uncertain quarantine)

Keep to yourself and lock away,
Out of your homes and dwellings you may not stray.
Only if essential or urgent it may be,
“Step out then you may”, says the government’s decree.

Compelled we are, to separate from one another,
Something we must do without any pother.
Basic requirements to curtail a mass spread,
Of a virus so deadly that threatens to shed.
A warning of a possible or imminent elimination,
Of all life as we know it, without any hesitation.

Placing ourselves apart from the known,
A hint towards being part of something more than our own?
A time to focus on what’s near and dear,
Things we’ve taken for granted and assumed to always be here.
Iso’ in place much bigger than you and me,
An ultimate goal of sustaining living rather than just being carefree.

Though we may not be sick in quite the literal form,
We now have to accept life with its new norm.
Infected we are with worldly pleasures,
Falling short of breath, far from its true treasures.

Can we overcome this quarantine which ain’t no myth?
Can we prevail all uncertainties that we’re plagued with?
Fostering a sense of belief and support,
Will show the results, giving us a clean report.

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez

Editor: Elrica Wendel Menezes
B.Sc. Human Development
B.Ed. English & Science
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