

a promise to you
I know it's been hard,
I know that you're lost and confused.
Your eyes weary and your voice hoarse.

I see the shadows clouding your vision,
The echoes of despair filling your ears,
I see the chains attached to your ankles,
The weight of the past pulling you back.

Worry threads itself in your heart,
Stitching its way into your clothes,
Your faith is left empty and wanting.

Parched lips form a prayer,
Raspy words break the silence,
Calling out for another chance,
For a way out.

I hear you.
Your efforts are not in vain.

Let me be the light at the end of the tunnel, Take my hand and I'll be your eyes,
My feet will lead you to safety,
I will show you out of this place.

I will be your shelter,
I will fill your stomach and quench your thirst.
I will lick your wounds and mend your clothes.

Trust my words when I say
You're more than the pain you've endured.
More than the tribulations of your past.
You hold more value than you know.

You are not alone any longer,
You are not lost anymore,
I have found you,
And I will be here for as long as you need.

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