

Simply poetry
I always feel lost on this stream
The one where I tossed my dream in its depths
Yes, it never ceased or quenched my zeal
When I tried to end it all on a whim
Even I could tell I was a wimp

I never understood why I would lie to myself
Every time my pen touched a book in itself
My feelings came alive in the words it would write
Every word creating a mirage of experiences
And those string of words they call a poetry
I could always find comfort in my pen
A little note I would always carry
Against my better judgement

Poets pen a story in the words they write
One that symbolizes their feelings at the time
Each word would entrance their audience
Pulling them to world created by emotions
Where you can't help but feel
Even if you probably hadn't felt in life
The ambience they wish to convey

I am not a poet I say
But my heart betrays me each time I hold a pen
I can't be a poet I stray
But the words on my book say otherwise
Truth is I am a poet
A conviction that comes from my heart
© Dena's_poetry