

How do I not?
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

Can I tell you a secret?
I know it's crazy but,
I loved you before you said you did,
I chose you before you asked me to,
I kissed you a million times before you even kissed me,
You made love to me with your eyes before you even took me to bed,
I had deep conversations with you every night before even asked for my number,
I waited for you before you asked me to,
Now that you love me,How do I not?

I didn't wanna fall in love but then at some point you looked at me,
Then you smiled and holy shit I blew it.
In a moment the only thing I wanted was to see you smile even if I wasn't the reason,
Something about you made me feel a little more alive,
And I know I've read alot of love stories,I've watched different soap operas
But they didn't tell me a greater story than the one I started with you.
I swear I didn't know you would love my broken pieces,
and now that you do,how do I not love you back.

© Graysea