

Just a humane notion

If thou due to differences within the masses, disrespect and mistrust,
Remember, the glories and titles thee earneth mean nothing when thee returneth to dust…
If thou bethink, flaunting thine wealth to the wealthy is noble,
Tryeth feeding the poor, the outcasts, the disabled…
If thou bethink none is superior to thee,
Imagine the depths of the oceans thou cannot fathom nor see…
If thou bethink the calmest is the weakest,
Remember, even tranquil rivers can bringeth about raging tempests...
If thou bethink strength is power,
Tryeth breaking love’s magical cover…
If thou bethink joy can never be found nor felt,
Take an infant in thy arms and gaze all thy's sorrow melteth...
If thou bethink the most beautiful things in life are just things,
Tryeth listening to the music of the pelting rain and the solace it brings...
If thou thinketh caring for others is a burden,
Tryeth wiping the tears of hurting children...
If thou ever bethink thy ain’t enough and just a human,
Remember the ripples thou can maketh by just being humane...

© Gayathri Mukund