

A complete different self

To the world I may be serious,
But to mirror I am someone so curious.
A shy girl for this world,
Who of enjoyment has nothing learned.
But, this mirror hanging on my wall,
Knows my true self and knows how I fall.
In it's reflection my world resides,
A completely different girl in this presides.
I can dance like a monkey, make faces to myself,
I may act like a donkey, may laugh at this true self.
With no pretensions I accepts my love,
This mirror reflects a rebellious girl who never shove.
To others I'm obedient, but in it I see a different ingredient.
A complete mess who cries aloud,
On every fall, tears it reflect when no one's around.
I can dress sexy, can even play with me,
All my secret video calls with aalu the mirror clearly see.
Still in it resides a sweet little girl,
Who tries to be carefree, and just jumps and twirl....
© Ritu