

Has anyone seen my reflection?
I thought I'd left in in the mirror
But this face looks so different
And this waist used to be thinner

Who's eyes are these?
They're not like mine
Mine are brown
these are red like wine

These cheeks are so hollow
These sockets deep set
The pores are all open
And distorted as heck

I swear I was taller
My shoulders weren't wide
I should have a smile
I think I just cried

These hands are so shaky
these fingers are bones
These thighs are too weighty
they're wearing my clothes

This person I recognize
she's just not quite me
I think I once met her
maybe in a dream?

I'm just so forgetful
I've searched high and low

Oh! hi there reflection!
Where on Earth did you go?

© 🐧
#depression #Self-Reflection #reflection #mentalhealth #dysphoria #confusion #Happyending