

last night i saw my future without you, and to my surprise it was beautiful, all this time i was in a fog, chasing love like a worthless dog, thinking i couldnt make it by myself, as if i would find no one else, to love me and treat me like i count the truth is God is the one I found, he loved me before i knew how to love, when i could only think of you it was me he was thinking of, God almighty Jesus Christ not only the creator but the sustainer of life, took the time to wake me up, when the world was aiming to break me up, from slavery he set me free, when it seemed like Satan wouldn't let me be, let me see the best of me, the world we know is yet to see,so in my pain i was truly blessed, because i found Jesus the day you left
written by Donte' L. Paxton AKA Orpheus Da Breath Of Life
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life