

Affection, a gentle touch, a loving embrace, 🤗
A warm gesture, that shows we care, and fills a space, ❤️
It's a language, that speaks from the heart, 💖
A way to connect, and never depart, 🌟

With a smile, a hug, a kiss on the cheek, 🙂💋
We show our love, and make our bond unique, 💕
It's a gift, that's priceless, and pure, 🎁
A way to nurture, and make our relationships endure, 💪

So let's not hesitate, to show our affection, 🙅‍♂️
To those who matter, and bring us joy and connection, 🤩
For it's in these moments, that we feel alive, 🌈
And our love and care, will forever thrive, 🌱

Let's hold hands, and walk together, hand in hand, 🤝
Let's laugh, and cry, and share our deepest thoughts, 🤔
Let's show the world, that love is the answer, 🌎
And that affection, is the key to a happier, more loving life, 🌟

So let's spread love, and kindness wherever we go, 🌈
And make the world a better place, with affection that glows, ✨
Let's be the change, that we want to see, 🌟
And fill the world with love, and affection, wild and free