

Down Memory Lane
Memories of you haunt me every day...

They keep replaying in my head like a song on repeat

I want to forget... but it seems impossible

You creep into my mind when I least expect it ... There's a part of me that lets you in willingly knowing that thoughts of you are my weakness ...

My mind betrays me because it longs to go down memory lane ...

But my heart can't take it ... It hurts

Memory lane opens up old wounds

Memory lane evokes unwanted emotions

Memory lane is just too daunting

Memory lane is a never-ending journey, which I dont want to travel on anymore ...

But it's not my choice, is it ??

I tried to close the door that led down to memory lane

But I'm not strong enough ..

Once I let go....

It all flows in like a flood

And It sweeps me away into never-ending thought...

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