

I Penned my Mamma's Thought
If you look out the window there's a new day breaking,
And after some hours the Sun's setting.
She loves the Sunset more than the rise,
Seeing this tears fill her eyes.

People asked her why she loves the Sunset,
Smiling she said that everything has an end.
The colour of the Sun is what makes her happy,
Seeing the beautiful stuff she becomes sassy.

It reminds her whatever happened the entire day,
You can still get a beautiful thing at the end of each day.
Life is like a long road going on not knowing when it's going to end like an open polygon.

But still you aspire for another tomorrow, And in the long run try to forget all your sorrow.
Don't worry everything will turn out alright,
Just like the road which must come to an end with a bright light.