

An end before an end...
I know I will be dull one day, does that mean I'll never shine
I know I wont stay here for forever, does that mean I have no time
I know I will be a past someday, does that already make me history
I know I will be found someday, does that leave me no more a mystery
I know I will not be remembered, does that mean I am already forgotten
I know I will be buried someday, does that already leave me rotten
I know I will not wake up one day, does that leave me with no dreams
I know I will be silent someday, does that silences all my screams
I know I will be fearless one day, does that mean I had no fears
I know I will stop crying one day, does that mean I never shed tears
I know that we all are immortal, and that one day we will die
but for the time our souls have bodies, let's love,laugh and cry

© unfinished