

When you dance I avert my glance knowing to look directly upon your divine Grace my mortal life would end for what am I but just a man
So I observe your silhouette on the wall like a flickering flame from a lone candle in a dark room arms waving like the goddess Shiva destroying and creating as she creates and destroys all things in her path. Awed by being allowed to be the only observer of the movements of your celestial bodies liberation.
My eyes hastens a glimpse of your true gloriousness but with Stern resolve I surrender to the gift given.
Even without eyes I Know your their.
The power of your vibration resonating through body,soul, Earth,water,fire,air.
The embodiment of every divine empress ever spoken on the lips of worshipers,from Isis to Yemaya to Amma and all in between. I would gladly live for you and yet give my life against any who dare leave you in despair.
I'm at peace in your presence at this moment watching your shadows dance on the wall
Here In this dark room,
from a single chair.
© Vaga Pesoj