Embracing Radiance: Triumph over Trials
Exhibiting all things positive
Praying for the light to dwell
For eternity onto the branches of life
With roots so stubborn
Being impervious of any inhibitions
Breaking shackles of misery
Refusing to walk with doubts
Coaxing mind to believe in
Hope Enameling the mangata
Onto the ferocity of the ocean
Spreading sprinkles of water
Amidst the scorching heat
Giving a warm hug of lexicons
During the dark winter
And singing the symphony of love
Overpowering the cacophony of rain
And so we shall rise
Above all the adversities
Not defeating but holding them tight
They won't deter us any more
For the Spirit of Light shall levitate
Tantalizing us with relief
That the rays of goodness will always shine
On the world below, that yearned for it
With hues of alacrity
And a shimmer of fortitude
© Hrithik Agarwal
Praying for the light to dwell
For eternity onto the branches of life
With roots so stubborn
Being impervious of any inhibitions
Breaking shackles of misery
Refusing to walk with doubts
Coaxing mind to believe in
Hope Enameling the mangata
Onto the ferocity of the ocean
Spreading sprinkles of water
Amidst the scorching heat
Giving a warm hug of lexicons
During the dark winter
And singing the symphony of love
Overpowering the cacophony of rain
And so we shall rise
Above all the adversities
Not defeating but holding them tight
They won't deter us any more
For the Spirit of Light shall levitate
Tantalizing us with relief
That the rays of goodness will always shine
On the world below, that yearned for it
With hues of alacrity
And a shimmer of fortitude
© Hrithik Agarwal