

[Philia -The Soul of Heart]


I was wounded, not by swords but words
my heart became so down
and got nothing special to go up
even the own reasons to live fades
now I'm here with a disable heart,
I was like that,
fear to do things, I shiver a lot for nothing
sorrow of past and fear of future are my constant,
and there a love,
dunno who's that, it's a love
love is the soul of a heart
and I just found the soul, but not it's heart
I fear speaking, so I write poetries
I fear representating so I did origami,
I fear looking so I painting my own,
I fear, you know why?
Because no one showed me to be strong
and there's your love I always grip on
your love is there with me,
as always smiling bright
you're always there
apart from me, I need you.
this is the desire of disable heart philia,
even you go away
I won't settle down,
I'll search you across wide blue seas
and afar the large snow mountains
with day and night,
holding a pearl round white hope light
in nights across the lavender river bank
which has white jelly Fishes as like as hopes,
for you, that's where we met at first
where I lost? in where I saw you at first...

"philia, stay."

© Hazel