

of force and abuse

**written for those that stand up and challenge the corrupted ruling class of big business, big government, and big religion**

every year they come around and show their force just to show their force
every year i think i grow a little less resistant
a little more as the bruised housewife must feel
soon it will be the hunger games if we don't watch it
people think i am an alarmist but i'm not
i know what the nazis really did
and it was far worse than is said in the mainstream
every year its clock work the same day and the same time
they come to take almost half of what i have risked everything to make over the past year
because they think they can spend it better than me
p be punished in a special bracket
because i am a citizen in the nation of the free and of democracy
yes they say all of that is true if that is what you wish to believe
but it doesn't matter what you believe it belongs to them now
they'll be back again to infect you with
their myths their voting machines
and their version of the truth

but my friend
you have buy or they don't have you.
once you're been infected with real truth
positive change can come fast
cause the truth is easy to live in
just peer into your heart for the answers
living in them it's not so hard
nothing is ever committed by heart
its a web of useless inventions that they use to remember
no one can keep up a life of lies
they can do some damage
but under pressure they all in time fall dead
then are crushed by the legends
which were made as we stomped them
into less than ash and dust.

© Edward Storm