

Mess of a Life
Based on #WritcoPoemPrompt8

Every soul wanes as they shuffle tired feet along to their version of salvation.
Some fight and strain, resisting the system that oppresses them, that led them to this horrid situation.
No one reaches the goal,
Neither Heaven nor Hell can save their soul.
Pacts with the Devil mean nothing in this tired time,
Too many sold souls vying for the same thing.
Helheim, Purgatory accepts those who trudged on, and those who didn't.
Valhalla has closed its gates that were never open.
Rebirth does not care who you were or what you did, we all end the same way;
Trudging and waiting for the end of each day.
Nothing helps our path grow easier,
For even those who are morally superior.
For we all have to slog through our mess of a life.
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