

The Devil's In The Details
I am scared by where my mind wonders when there are no binds. Where the devils in the details and my sins lay between the lines. Unspoken. Unseen. Uncertain. I don't know where I am. Frightened, alone and all but a husk of a man. My mind runs from me into the night only to come running back with the early morning light. Laying on my back staring at the ceiling hoping to find the answer between the cracks. But there is no answer only further questioning. An undeserved penance gained from inflicted wrongs perpetrated by those truly deserving. Forced to carry the weight of my world alone shouldered by an empty youth. A stoicism forged in the fires of the forgotten. Abandoned accidentally by the pursuit of self gain. Unintentional but nonetheless cutting deep drawing blood now seeing red. Anger the sole fueling force to go on. A force that no longer suffices the fire quenched by time. But the damage is done and the scars lasting. Stabbed in the back and right trough the heart and I will always be left questioning uncertain alone staring at that ceiling wondering why.
© Ben Johnson