

Looking for answers, calling to the sky, the divines,
everything defined as love.
I catch myself wondering,
Why so we dulued ourselves with putting our own power into something that's main goal is to take blame and responsibility out of our hands.
How did we become so scared to just be benevolent, vindictive, loving, passionate, radical, unfathomable beings.
Walking with no pride of direction no rhyme or reason of exicution. Just numbly sinking our teeth into anything that keeps our mind running as our body's rot idle to every opportunity it will never fufill.
The he said she said propaganda bullshit on every angle of click bait news. Culturizing depression as the next best monopoly so the loop will never end.
I'm tired of trying to find. belief greater than me, than us, and with everything we have created,
I'm ashamed.
I'm lost..
I can't believe with such intelligent minds, and information at our finger tips,
Greed and fear will continue to rule.
And there is no one to blame, but us.
© PeightonMakany