

Tree of Time
I have a number of trees in my town, I usually disregard them as much as them me, as I walk past people on the streets not offering them as much as a thought.

I sometimes do stop, and wonder how those trees are, as the people I see I wonder what makes them, them.

The trees seem to catch and grasp time better than me, I can look at lost leaves on thevgrounds, nuts and kernels I can hear falling in autumn and twigs broken that once lived gracefully along the tree is now, dead.

I seem to not always think in words when I speak with trees, why bother speak with nature when they do not reply in words to me.

So we share moments as time goes, the life and death of a tree; still living but bits and pieces shedding itself of unecessary things.

I think of leaves as my thoughts, my life is like a falling kernel, it's going somewhere in hope to become life itself, but oh so many kernels are just doomed to be, that.

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