

Take me to the east or take me to the west .
Take me to North or take me to south.
Take me with winds or with flowing currents .
Take me to some other place .
B'coz I need some rest .
Take me to hill top or to sahara deserts .
Take me under a waterfall or some caves .
Take me to a volcanic mountain or a sea coast .
I wanna travel a bit .
Call me mother earth !
Take me to some other place .
Mesmerise me with your magical game .
Make me witness of your beauty .
Show me a snowfall or a tropical wind .
Fullfill my burning desires for travel .
Make me your admirer for sake .
Coz I wanna spend some days on witnessing your calmness .
Show me a rainbow or northern lights .
Take me to some other place , coz I wanna see all ur colours .
All this soul need is some rest .
Call me mother earth !
I wanna live in your holytales.
Take me to some another place .
I am done with this conventional monotonous way to live.
Take me to North pole or to some brazilian forest .
Take me to some tribal place or an Eskimos igloo.
Call me mother earth !
And take me on a voyage .

© Mridul