

Cries Unheard ( Freedom's Illusion)

Seventy- seven years of Independence,
yet Freedom still a dream,
Violence against women persists, a never-ending scream,
Progress, they claim. But at what cost?
Mothers, Sisters, Wives and daughters forever lost.

Rape, domestic abuse, murder and whatnot,
a gruesome repeat.
Justice, Constitution, Law, where do they retreat?
Government, system, society ..all fail to protect,
Leaving victims to prolonged suffer and neglect.

Let's rise, women, and claim our rights
Leave behind the chains of oppressive nights.
We'll forge a new path, with strength and might,
No longer held captive by patriarchal sight.

Imagine a nation without women, a world without our grace
Men, who stomp on our chests, will soon find empty space.
No mothers to nurture, no Sisters to care
No Wives to support, no daughters to share.

We'll thrive in our new land, free from fear and pain
Our Independence, Our Freedom, we'll reclaim snd sustain
No more goddess Laxmi, we'll invoke Kali and Durga's might
We'll rule with power, and shine with all our light.

Women empowerment, now and forevermore
No longer slaves, we'll rise and roar
Savage and strong, Independent and Free
Our time has come,
We won't be silenced anymore.

© Enigma