

A Lighthouse in Life's Storm
Amid life's storms, a steadfast shelter stands,
A friendship's haven crafted by caring hands.
When raindrops fall and winds do howl,
Together we weather, side by side we prowl.

A lighthouse in darkness, piercing the night,
Guiding us through shadows with its gentle light.
When all seems lost in the abyss of despair,
A friend's warm presence whispers, "I'm here."

In gardens of memories, blossoms do bloom,
Each shared moment a fragrant plume.
Through sunlit days or thunder's roar,
True friendship's bond forevermore.

Just as constellations mark the vast sky,
Friends mark our hearts, never goodbye.
In the canvas of life, colors blend and blend,
A masterpiece of love, a bond that won't bend.

So when life's tempests try to consume,
Remember, in friendship's embrace, there's room.
A shelter in storms, a beacon so bright,
Guiding us through the darkest night.


© Christine