

Piss Bag In Tow
In dimness, I wander slow,
Still here, burdened with a piss bag in tow.
The weight of sorrow, a heavy flow,
Drains my spirit, an endless undertow.

Life's vibrant hues have faded away,
Like a withered flower, my heart's now gray.
A melody of pain, a constant replay,
In this somber morning, I stay.

Dreams once bloomed, now lie in decay,
Hopes shattered, like fragments of clay.
Lost in the void, I search for a way,
To find solace in the gloomy display.

Yet, in the depths, a glimmer appears,
A flicker of hope amidst the tears.
I'll embrace the pain that never clears,
And find strength in vulnerability's fears.

With each step forward, I'll try to grow,
Still here, carrying this burden in tow.
Though the road is harsh and full of woe,
I'll endure, and let my melancholy flow.

© TwoTimesTwice