

Void in my heart numbness in my brain,
As I write these words drenched in pain. Ascertain of the things I would attain,
Or even if it's worth the energy I drain.
I have felt cold in hot summer,
I have shivered with my body covered.
I have felt a collosal weight on my chest, Everytime I shut eyes for an aiding rest.

I often find my eyes staring at the ceiling,
Is it blurry white that's appealing,
Or maybe distraction from a certain feeling. Maybe a way for mental healing.
I relate to every sad reel and song,
Often tear up while humming along.
Is it the touching lyrics that break me down,
Or the mournful melancholy in which I drown.

I spend hours solving academical questions,striving to find an answer,
I feel languished unwinding these
thoughts, finding a cure for this cancer.
These thoughts dont let me sleep so I...