

When are my musings about you going to come to an end? When will my longing for you be fulfilled? You have no idea how much this bothers me. Share your thoughts by composing a poem about it.

I stayed alone for a long time
none share my thoughts with
burried my emotions and
became stone hearted for a while.

I never new this day will come
that you will be in my life
never did I understand you
and your amuzing behaviour all time

what is this fascination
what is this boiling feeling
I tried to shut it down
but it just breaks out on its own

I lost my self to you
never able to analyse myself
I'm desperate to know answers
for the questions remaining unknown..

you come and go like a spark
you amuse me a lot
the desire serge in a amuzing pace
still unknown when will they be fullfilled ...
© deep_soul