

here is not for me!
As a young man whats the first thing you see the hero saving the girl who awaits a kiss from SHE everywhere you look it's the same in cartoon or movie save the damsel in destress as you grow its drilled in your head Dont hit girls, you are stronger real men don't abuse , pull out her chair help her sit, give her your seat you can stand your a man , let her go ahead of you , pick up the heavy things for her , lay your coat on the muddy puddle for her , , be a gentle man and take care of her , pay if dating her , bring flowers to her, fix her car , build her a house, open her door, hold the door, take trash out for her, bring money home to her, buy feminine products for her, put down the seat for her don't talk degrading to her, treat her as a lady, treat her as a princess , treat her as a queen
we are taught to cater to her but in all my years being true and sincere when I do these things its not a man they see its an opportunity to use you take advantage and cheat on you hurt you and leave you because you come giving more respect to her than she has for herself and you end up looking a kiss ass fool . to be a gentleman proper takes a woman that knows the difference or its a waste of time and with today choices men have no chance at being a real gentleman
and alone ill be till my end .

© David Barrett