

I owe a lot to my Parents
I thank you my mom and dad,
You are the gems for which I am really glad.

I thankyou mom for giving me birth,
I thankyou dad for making my life worth.

Mom you carried me in your womb,
Dad you taught me how to be well-groomed.

With your efforts I am what I am today,
you both made worth living my each day .

I thankyou mom for being my guide,
so that I can balance myself with these wavy worldly tides.

I thankyou dad for being my advisor,
so that I can lead my life wiser.

You taught me how to pronounce my name,
And taught me how to standup with a good fame.

I was just a baby bud
your care and nourshiment made me blossomed into a flower.
Your love and blessings always shower.

No more words to describe how much you both mean to me.
You both are my World.
i thankyou so much for upbringing me.
I owe a lot to you my dear parents.

© Asnawahab