

Do I make you feel inferior
Do I make you feel small
Is it quite the opposite
Is it nothing at all

Is it jealous hatred
Is it tepid angst
Is it mere survival
Slapping smiles from my face

Do I emphasize your loneliness
Do I terminate your worth
Did I do something to hurt you
Did I misbehave in church

Did I have something you wanted
Did you just want it all
Did you take from children, greedy
Just to make yourself feel tall

Did I carry worth with me
That made you feel blighted
Did you try to reign in anger
Did you ever try to fight it

Did I have a guardian angel
That made you feel unseen
You stole a title, calculated
And crowned yourself our queen

Did you ever stop to wonder
Four children filled with fire
That maybe you’re the oxygen
Fueling burning rage up higher