

Uncharted Territory...
I want to learn your whole body...
Every nook and cranny..
The grand adventure that is your physical being…
I want to be an explorer in uncharted territory…
With new discoveries around every corner...
What extraordinary features appear just beyond the horizon…
Drive into the tepid depths...
Wade through the mighty forests….
Swim the crystal streams…
Traverse the rugged peaks...
Explore the lush valleys...
Plunge into the silent caves…
Each piece more beautiful and wondrous than the next...
I need no map…
For my path will be forged by my passions…
This uncharted territory…
The thrill and exhilaration of discovery…
This new country laid out before me…
My senses full of each new experience…
The heat of your breath…
Strong and blustery…
Like wind through the desert canyons…
The salt of your taste…
Bright and crisp…
Like the oceans whispering waves...
The softness of your skin…
Smooth and supple…
Like green endless fields…
The smell of your sweat…
Dark and deep…
Like rich moist earth..
I want the know it all…
The grand wilderness that is you…