

If I Had A Dream It Woud Be What Nobody Thinks
If I had a dream it would be what nobody thinks
The way that there are things itd be what nobody thinks
The way that it is, backward I think
Forward to upward and upward is sink
Where the madness it lashes when you're on the brink
Where the brink is you think the common we speak
A dream where nothings as is
Where nothing is something and something that is
Where you bottle what's free what's free has a lid
Where the adults free to think its bondage their kids
Their kids are the lead their bondage they is
The light is the dark the darkness is lit
Reality marble the marble is split
A dream where even you fell to see the pattern
When you drop the rings and I hold the rings like I'm Saturn
When you cannot be happy but sadness it towers
The sad overwhelming overwhelms you for hours
What's mine isn't yours but us is still ours
The dead that you give I give you back flowers
The thing that you aren't filled and lacking in power
Where the sweet that you taste is packing in sour
And the beast that you make is actually louder
This is the world I would make if I could
And trap you right in it to make out a book
So beware it and know this look out you should look
This is the dream that you are in tonight

#Sense #Nonsense #Whimsical
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