

What's it like to live like this

"What's it like to live like this
where you live in a place
where no one understands you,

where no one cares about
your happiness and sadness,

where no one cares about
your likes and dislikes,

where they have kept
you only for their
own benefits,

As far as living this
way of life is concerned
it may also be your

Bcoz I don't see any
happiness in this
for you,

then talking to yourself
listening to yourself
console yourself all the time,

Then continuously looking
the sky from the balcony
talking to the sky,

Talking to the birds

Talking to the trees
Talking to the flowers,

Only talking to yourself
and listening to yourself

what's it like to live
life like this !

what's it like to live
life like this !!

© Shama writes ✍️

#writcopoetry #poetrycommunity #life