

moving on~
“Do you miss me?”
He asked, head tilted to the side
Accompanied by eyes so bright and wide
The answer is of course yes
To say anything otherwise would just be a jest
But if I were to explain that i’d be a mess
Left naked, vulnerable and exposed
My heart would be in a position quite imposed
So I shut off my heart and kept it closed
“No,” I lied
I stood firm
I watched his expression soften
Words flowing from his tongue were quicker than liquor
Sweet enough to make a grown man snicker
“I miss you,” he cried
Tonight, I guess I’m not the only one who lied
But I know him better than anyone
I see past his glittery guise
And his smile that promises he’ll be worth his while
“I don’t care,” I said
“Being with you makes me wish I rather be dead
And I swear,
It’ll be hell on earth before I go back to your bed.“
He stood there,
In shock or perhaps awe
I’m not sure which but
I didn’t care if I was being an insatiable itch
An unattainable trophy
The one who went astray
The girl who doesn’t give a damn about your day
So I turned around, and walked away
I let him sit stew think and brew
Wondering about all the things he couldn't do
© notfortress