

As This Year Peels Off To Another
As this year peels off to another,
I appreciate myself for surfing through the thunderous waves of rage and pain.
As this year peels off to another,
I pat my shoulders for walking through the long, dark , endless suffocating tunnels.
As this year peels off to another,
I give myself well deserved flowers for heaving myself up after heart disasters left me lying weak on my heart floors.
As this year peels off to another,
I applaud myself for utilising my pain and for making use of the few short days of sunshine.
As this year peels off to another,
I shower myself with endless hugs and kisses for showering people's lives with brightens even though my inside world was filled with eerie darkness.
As this year peels off to another,
I award myself thunderous claps for surviving the terrifying blasts of depression which stripped off flesh from my bones.
As this year peels off to another,
I allow myself to forgive those who are responsible for the bleeding wounds in my heart.
As this year peels off to another,
I congratulate myself for bringing ideas into massive realities.
As this year peels off to another,
I forgive myself for the embarrassing situations I put my self in and the disrespect I entertained.
As this year peels off to another,
I fill myself with happiness for looking at people with shiny eyes filled with love even though deep down they were raw with pain.
As this year peels off to another,
I appreciate the impactful friendships and bonds I allowed to penetrate through the walls of my world.
As this year peels off to another,
I appreciate myself for weaving words , for painting people's voices on paper which lifted them from the darkness of the night into a sunny new day.