

Some sonnets inspired by Victor Hugo novels

Les Misérables

From hells of human making comes a beast,
Forged to a bitter shape by toil and strife,
Stronger in arm than any man, yet least
Among those eyes that cruelly judge a life.
A vast corruption plaguing France and Earth,
Injustice bred of justice blindly writ,
Condemns a man and strips away his worth
Until his soul is battered, bruised and bit.
Yet, by a saintly bishop’s word is saved,
This man, Valjean, whose soul is thence made pure
With charities bestowed on the depraved
Who once knew pain yet found in love their cure.
The world gave darkness, yet he shone still bright,
For every soul within bears heaven’s light.


Toilers of the Sea

Upon the far-swept sea twin peaks emerge,
Pushed up like an enigma from the...