

I have no family
Eye am the black sheep, the wanderer lost in the shadows,
The one who stands apart, where no warm light follows.
Unwanted, unloved, like a gust of wind's chill,
I drift alone through the corridors of empty will.

The din of family gatherings, a distant echo,
A place where my presence is a constant no-show.
I am the odd note in a song perfectly played,
The silent, invisible, in the world's masquerade.

In the mirror, a stranger looks back, eyes so hollow,
Searching for a connection, for a place to follow.
But no familiar face greets me in the crowd,
No kindred spirit, no heart unbowed.

I am the ghost at the feast, the shadow at the door,
The one who never belonged, who was always ignored.
Their laughter, their joy, a cruel, distant sound,
I am the silence that echoes, where no comfort is found.

Among the faces, I am the faded ink on a page,
The one who never fits, who never turns the stage.
Each smile, a masquerade, each touch, a pretense,
I stand alone, a witness to their pretense.

Their love, a fortress I am barred from,
A realm where I am but a dim, distant hum.
Their stories, their bonds, a world apart,
And I, the outsider, with a heavy heart.

In the realm of family, I am the misfit,
The one who can't blend, who doesn't quite fit.
No words of solace, no embrace to mend,
I wander alone, with no one to defend.

Yet in this isolation, a strange solace blooms,
In the quiet, I find my own room.
A place where I am free from their constraints,
Where I am not judged, where I paint my own paints.

For in the emptiness, there is a certain grace,
A space where I can carve out my own place.
No longer bound by their shadows, I rise,
In my solitude, I find my own skies.

I build my own home in the cracks of the void,
In the freedom of being, in the life I've employed.
I am the black sheep, yes, but I am also free,
In the absence of their love, I find the best of me.

So I walk this path alone, with my head held high,
Embracing the solitude beneath the wide-open sky.
For in being unwanted, I find my true song,
In the heart of my isolation, I finally belong.