

Letter to my children

put your hand in mine and let me lead the way, I'll protect you and guide you day after day, I'll pay attention when you speak and take out time, to let you express yourself and speak your mind, I'll encourage your dreams and watch you grow tall, I'll always support you and never let you fall, I'll teach you things you can't learn in school, help you through life's lessons and how to live by life's rules, I'll give you your space and the chance to learn, that life isn't a game play with fire and get burned, I'll teach you about Pride dignity and self-worth, I'll give you the love each human deserves, I'll also provide the knowledge of self, how awesome you are when you come out of your shell, I'll teach you success and point out mistakes, and show you bending rules versus rules you don't break, the world is your oyster and we're going to dig it up, life's your personal elevator and it's time to live it up, there's no war that can't be won and no job that can't be done, that's why you need to learn all these things while you're still young, intellectuals never hustle and they never work hard, they never go to prison because they're thinkers from the start, a loser is a loser because they chose that route, so think before you act and watch what you let come out your mouth, opportunities come once if you're lucky they come twice, but make your choices well because each one affects your life, all money ain't good money and every deal ain't real, don't ever sell your soul and beware the free meal, be careful who you call friend and never expose what you got, keep your enemies close and your circle as small as a dot, Accentuate the positives and leave the rest alone, and everything you want you can get on your own, never be dependent needy or beg, and before you let them kick you you better chop off their leg, never show your weakness never let them see you sweat, grab Life by its utters and milk it for all you can get, and so your arms don't get tired hire someone else, to milk the world for you and keep the shine for yourself, see the lender doesn't borrow because he saves for tomorrow, give all your problems to God he'll protect you from sorrow, don't ever brag on your achievements stay humble at heart, always be a team player and go hard right from the start, sometimes it's cool to be the hero and sometimes it's not, so choose your battles well and know when to shake the spot, you can't do everything so don't get stressed, just be proud that that you tried and you gave it your best, I believe you're the greatest at all that you do, the day you were born I saw perfection in you, every one of you unique from your eyes to your smile, your laugh your disposition your comfort zone your style, there's only one you a diamond in the rough, and everyone of you are made of diamond stuff, so when you feel defeated broken down and crushed, remember even diamond dust is still diamond enough.

Written by Orpheus the breath of Life
AKA Donte L Paxton Sr.
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life