


No ones been talking to me
So I've just been talking to my diary
I don't mind that it's been cold
I'm better sleeping alone

But today it decided to rain
Both outside and in my brain
I recall the last thing you said
It echoes like bad lyrics in my head

I don't love you anymore
This love is just a revolving door
Since I've had a few swings
We've just shared a few flings

Now it's better that I say goodbye
To say I'm sad would be a lie
So those were your last words
For some reason they still hurt

I pour a glass of old hard liquor
And I take the frame and burn the picture
A kiss fused into a Polaroid
A kiss as artificial as steroids

We rearranged furniture to fit your things
I never knew you'd create a cage and clip my wings
My home turned into a prison sentence
No exit only an entrance

So I've punched a hole in the wall
Out to freedom I'll have to crawl
No more cold prison enclosures
It's time to be free and time to be sober

authors note- written for a friend during a breakup which occurred in the middle of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns. as we all know well, the emotions of the COVID-19 crisis were overwhelming. watching my friend experience those emotions with the added pain of a love lost was heavy.

© WanderlustFox