

In the depth of my heart
In the Depths of My Heart;
Isata's Love for Me

Isata, my love, her heart ablaze
With fiery passion and ardent gaze
Her love for me, a flame that never dies
And in my heart, her love forever lies

Her eyes, like stars, shine bright and true
Her love, a force that breaks through
All barriers, all doubts, all fears
Her love, a salve that dries my tears

Isata, my love, her touch so sweet
Her embrace, a haven from life's defeat
Her love, a beacon that guides me home
Her light, a comfort when I'm alone

Her voice, like music, soothes my soul
Her laughter, a balm that makes me whole
Her love, a gift beyond compare
Her presence, a joy beyond compare

Isata, my love, her love so pure
Her heart, a treasure that will endure
Her love, a bond that cannot be broken
Her love for me, a love unspoken.