

We Lie...

We lie...

I lie,
lie to 'my queen'
as she asks
"Are you even happy,
happy to be in this relationship?
Happy to be with me?"
I lie
'My Queen'
is she even mine?
she says " I'm yours",
she lies
as her expressions, her actions
prove every bit of those alphabets,
I wish they really did.
We hug, we kiss yet we don't look into each other's eyes,
in person we never show another
our vulnerable side.
Is this love?
It's been a long time,
long time since we clutched, never ever a feeling came that she is mine.
A beat of hope hops my hopeless heart
as her yes
fills my soul when I call her 'my queen'. She lies.
Am I really happy, happy to be with her? Yes! I say.
I lie.
We lie...
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