

Church of Desire!
A Holy Farce
The Sinner's Cabal
A Volley of Women
Seducing the Stars
A Ward of Pleasure
In a Golden Hall
Fulfilling your Desires
Your Fetishes all Raw
The Fantasies you Crave
The Pleasure Barring all
The Soft Touch of Skin
That Supple Breast
The Harem of Dreams
Comes to Life
At this Holy Place
Where Sinners Collide
The Carnal Vibes
Feeding Human Desire
That Innate Savagery
Those Gruesome Sights
Venomous Greed
Poisoning their Psyche
The Cries of Ecstacy
Roaring in the Temple
Unholy Ground
A Holy Name
The Church of Desire
Came to Fame!!!!