

The Promise
What do you say when your father is the Monarch of the universe
Or when your Lover is the Very Source of Love
And how do you even explain that the Lamb is now the Lion
Or How an Artist was willing to die for the art
Or ,That the Father is the Son!

Well ,the Father is the Son.
And the Lamb ,who is now the Lion, is also the Shepherd.
And yes ,the Artist actually died, a horrible death, for the art
He loved the piece so much that He had made it in His Image
A complete replica of Him, the end put it in the beginning

The end in the beginning, a predestined Nature
A privilege to reign in majesty, a kingship
An opportunity to serve Him, a priesthood
A potential to be as He is, Holy
A mystery unfolded, Him in you the hope of glory

A Gift so priceless, the Irrevocable seal of His Spirit
as the blessed assurance, His eternal presence
Christ Before You, Christ Behind You
Christ Beside you, Christ Within You.
The Greatest love of all is Mine

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