

I want you to see yourself.
I want you to look yourself in the mirror
and say,
"I love you."

I love all your little freckles.
The eczema on your skin.
That slight dent in your nose.
The way your smile looks.
Everything you deem an imperfection, I love.

I want you to embrace yourself.
When no one else believed in you, you did.
When no one would hug you, you did.
Everytime you thought it was the end, you got back up.

In life, we often place an obscene amount of value on external validation.
If I do these things, my friends will love "me".
If act this way, my family will love "me".

But how could any one love "you" if you are not truly you?
You take your personality out of a sorting hat.
Wearing the appropriate mask for the party.

I want you to say,
"I do".
I do love myself even when no one else will.

© DolorTheDaimone