

I want to scream
I want to scream at the lost lives in meaningless battles, families
dismembered, left in disparities
of emotional and financial needs.

I want to scream at the enemies
standing, laughing at the finishing line,
unable to comprehend what they
have done and what is coming.

I want to scream at the void
created among family members,
choking out the last resembrance
of love, hope and bond.

I want to scream at emotionless
faces, empty hearts, futile
journeys into the night trying
to find oneself.

I want to scream at injustice,
irrationality, racism, hatred, violence,
fear in little children's eyes, as the
carousel of laughs sweeps by.

I want to let the water carry my
screams to far away shores, where
they can be buried under fine sands
caressing the infinite hands of time.

- sissy

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